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KIRANHOLOGRAPHICS 56b9a02d9ec66a0350d1fe07 Products
  • 2019-07-10T12:20:00

SECURITY 3D HOLOGRAM STICKERS MANUFACTURERS INDIA SECURITY HOLOGRAM STICKERS INDIA In a globalized market, protecting one’s brand, preventing counterfeiting and duplication of products is of prime importance. At Kiranholographics we realize this and have come up with Security Hologram Solutions to beat counterfeiters. We offer a range of custom labels including security holograms stickers, security papers like tamper-evident and write-protected and security inks. Cost of adding a security feature in a sticker label is negligible compared to the revenues lost due to counterfeiting. As custom security 3D hologram stickers manufacturers in India , we ensure these products are adapted according to client needs. Most of the security label features can also be offered in thermal labels. Security labels , tamper evident labels , security hologram labels, sticker labels and security hologram sticker are manufactured to meet customer specifications and requirements. All label manufacturing processes are carried out in a clean, hygienic, centrally air conditioned environment which ensures superior security label quality. 3D HOLOGRAM STICKERS Holograms have unique optical properties that make them almost impossible to replicate. These custom labels can be easily authenticated by customers and users. Our security holograms labels not only will secure your products from counterfeiting and diversion, but they also look stylish, and complement your existing packaging. Security hologram sticker option can also be incorporated in thermal labels. TAMPER PROOF HOLOGRAMS /TAMPER EVIDENT HOLOGRAMS These custom Hologram show evidence of tampering if removal is attempted and with special void film it show void- void on tampering. Kiranholographics, Security Hologram provides two types of tamper evident labels – First ones are sticker labels those that fragment into pieces on removal. These custom labels are made up of fragile face stock and strong adhesive so that removal usually results in evidence of tampering thus making them tamper-evident. The other one reveals a pattern on removal such as “void” or “company name” or “company logo”. These security labels are made of polyester face stock and strong adhesive, offering good durability. VOID FEATURE HOLOGRAMS These sticker labels are used when text, such as signatures and product or dispatch information, needs to be protected. These labels have a self-lamination feature. Lamination adds to the longevity of the product and protects it from wear and tear and adverse environmental conditions. You can write on these custom labels and then peel off the backing of the PVC / polyester laminate to seal the label. The write protected labels protect the sensitive text from water, solvents and tampering. These cannot be offered in thermal lab Contact: Rajneesh Sharma (CEO) M/s Kiran Holographics Head Office- Plot-No 15, Ram Krishna Marg, , New Sanganer Road, Sodala, Jaipur-302019 (Rajasthan) Phone No.-0141-4006230, 2294293 Mob No.-9928911181 Instant Chat- +91-9928911181 e-mail:-

SECURITY 3D HOLOGRAM STICKERS MANUFACTURERS INDIA SECURITY HOLOGRAM STICKERS INDIA In a globalized market, protecting one’s brand, preventing counterfeiting and duplication of products is of prime importance. At Kiranholographics we realize this and have come up with Security Hologram Solutions to beat counterfeiters. We offer a range of custom labels including security holograms stickers, security papers like tamper-evident and write-protected and security inks. Cost of adding a security feature in a sticker label is negligible compared to the revenues lost due to counterfeiting. As custom security 3D hologram stickers manufacturers in India , we ensure these products are adapted according to client needs. Most of the security label features can also be offered in thermal labels. Security labels , tamper evident labels , security hologram labels, sticker labels and security hologram sticker are manufactured to meet customer specifications and requirements. All label manufacturing processes are carried out in a clean, hygienic, centrally air conditioned environment which ensures superior security label quality. 3D HOLOGRAM STICKERS Holograms have unique optical properties that make them almost impossible to replicate. These custom labels can be easily authenticated by customers and users. Our security holograms labels not only will secure your products from counterfeiting and diversion, but they also look stylish, and complement your existing packaging. Security hologram sticker option can also be incorporated in thermal labels. TAMPER PROOF HOLOGRAMS /TAMPER EVIDENT HOLOGRAMS These custom Hologram show evidence of tampering if removal is attempted and with special void film it show void- void on tampering. Kiranholographics, Security Hologram provides two types of tamper evident labels – First ones are sticker labels those that fragment into pieces on removal. These custom labels are made up of fragile face stock and strong adhesive so that removal usually results in evidence of tampering thus making them tamper-evident. The other one reveals a pattern on removal such as “void” or “company name” or “company logo”. These security labels are made of polyester face stock and strong adhesive, offering good durability. VOID FEATURE HOLOGRAMS These sticker labels are used when text, such as signatures and product or dispatch information, needs to be protected. These labels have a self-lamination feature. Lamination adds to the longevity of the product and protects it from wear and tear and adverse environmental conditions. You can write on these custom labels and then peel off the backing of the PVC / polyester laminate to seal the label. The write protected labels protect the sensitive text from water, solvents and tampering. These cannot be offered in thermal lab Contact: Rajneesh Sharma (CEO) M/s Kiran Holographics Head Office- Plot-No 15, Ram Krishna Marg, , New Sanganer Road, Sodala, Jaipur-302019 (Rajasthan) Phone No.-0141-4006230, 2294293 Mob No.-9928911181 Instant Chat- +91-9928911181 e-mail:-

  • 2019-07-10T12:20:00

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