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KIRANHOLOGRAPHICS 56b9a02d9ec66a0350d1fe07 Products
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hologram manufacturers Jaipur by Fresnel Lens Holograms

Fresnel Lens Holographic Film

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We are Leading exporter, Importer, Distributor and provider of Holographicwide web film in both PET and BOPP.Holographic Wide web Films offer 100% security to the products against the threat of counterfeiting and duplicity by creating them fully secure. Holographic Fresnel lens Lamination Film are specially designed and made using premium quality raw material and sophisticated printing technology for extensive utilization in packaging industry.It’s combats the danger of duplicity & increases the aesthetics of merchandise.This is very helpful for versatile packaging,lamination, printing, labels and gift wrappings etc. Lens films are presently used for cosmetic packaging and beverage cartons, likewise as video games and recent blockbuster dvd releases, Liquor Bottles cartoons. These specialty films are created from Linear and Circular Fresnel lenses. A Fresnel lens is a microstructure product of facets that bend or reflect light like a thick lens . they'll be created to either focus or spread light. These lenses are originated in our Diamond Turning Machine (DTM) work employing a diamond tool to chop facets into a metal mold. we've got created a variety of stock lens patterns that are innovative in their active motion and 3D depth.

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